Some of Dijets tools for developers to use via Dijets network

Dijets has several tools that serve different purposes, so it depends on what you are trying to achieve. Here is a brief overview of some of the most popular tools:

  • Dijets CLI: This is a command line tool that gives developers access to everything Dijets. It is used for setting up a local network, creating a Subnet, customizing the Subnet/VM configuration, and more. It is under rapid development, so check back for new versions with expanded functionality.
  • Dijets-Up: This is a CLI tool that allows a user to define, create and interact with a network of Dijets nodes. Networks created with Dijets-Up are temporary and get destroyed when the tool is stopped, so the purpose of the tool is to be used for local development and testing the code in the early stages, before you’re ready to deploy on permanent infrastructure (testnet or Mainnet).
  • Dijets Ops: This is a single command tool to launch and configure network infrastructure (virtual machines or cloud instances). It can install Dijets nodes from scratch allowing for various configuration requirements. Provisions all resources required to run a node or network with recommended setups (configurable). This tool is intended for quickly creating, testing and iterating over various Dijets network infrastructure configurations for testing and simulation purposes. Use this to play with various setups and reproduce potential problems and issues with possible configurations.
  • Dijets API: This is a specifically-tailored collection of JSON-RPC API endpoints built to support Web3 usecases and scenarios on Dijets Ternary Chains at almost instant speeds. It is the single point of reference for requests being made to Dijets Primary Network and its chains.

All of these tools are designed to make it easier for developers to build on Dijets and create their own tailor-made & “Application Specific” blockchains. Each Blockchain in Dijets is an instance of a virtual machine just as the Utility Chain is an instance of Ethereum Virtual Machine. Custom VMs can be deployed on a custom blockchain network, called a subnetwork, which consists of a dynamic set of validators all working together to achieve consensus on (x)blockchains.