Opening virtual schools in 3rd world countries to provide children & adults with education, through Dijets ecosystem allowing us to create these schools will give less fortunate people a better education

Dijets could potentially be used to create virtual schools for 3rd world countries. Here are a few ways in which Dijets could be used to benefit this initiative:

  1. Decentralization: Dijets is built around the idea of decentralization, which means that it enables the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) that are not controlled by any central authority. This could potentially be useful for creating virtual schools in 3rd world countries, where access to education may be limited or controlled by the government. By using Dijets to create a decentralized virtual school, students in 3rd world countries could potentially have access to education that is not subject to government censorship or control.
  2. Interoperability: Dijets is designed to be interoperable, which means that it allows separate chains to be created for different applications, each serving their individual purpose. This could potentially be useful for creating a virtual school that is tailored to the specific needs and resources of a particular 3rd world country. By using Dijets to create a private blockchain network for a virtual school, educators and students could potentially collaborate and share resources more easily, regardless of their location or the resources available to them.
  3. Digital identities: Dijets can be used to create digital identities and store reputational data, which could potentially be useful for verifying the identity of students and educators in a virtual school. By using Dijets to store reputational data on a smart contract, virtual schools could potentially improve the accuracy and security of their identity verification processes, as well as reduce the risk of fraud or errors.
  4. Micropayments: Dijets can be used to facilitate micropayments, which could potentially be useful for funding a virtual school in a 3rd world country. By using Dijets to create a token-based payment system, virtual schools could potentially receive small payments from students or donors around the world, without the need for expensive payment processing systems or intermediaries.
  5. Transparency: Dijets is designed to be transparent, which means that all transactions on the network are publicly visible and auditable. This could potentially be useful for creating a transparent and accountable virtual school system, where educators and students can track their progress and performance, as well as hold each other accountable for their actions.

These are just a few potential use cases for Dijets in the context of creating virtual schools for 3rd world countries. Ultimately, the specific benefits would depend on the needs and goals of the virtual school, as well as the specific use case being considered.


Hi Ali
I think this idea pairs well with the Dijets Foundation idea. I think there is a whole area of support to others that can be built within Dijets.


@Alikhan by being able to provide everything you mentioned at that level the opportunities would be very beneficial for struggling and 3rd world countries who cant provide this level of training and education to its people. I am very looking forward to seeing Dijets making a big difference in peoples lives all around the globe.


Hi Ali,

The potential of using Dijets to create virtual schools for 3rd world countries is highly commendable. The various benefits offered by Dijets make it a promising tool to empower education initiatives in underserved areas.

The decentralisation aspect of Dijets is particularly significant. By eliminating the control of any central authority, virtual schools can be established in countries where access to education may be limited or government-controlled.

The interoperability feature of Dijets is another significant advantage. It enables the creation of separate chains tailored to each country’s specific needs and resources.

The integration of digital identities within Dijets is a key benefit for virtual schools. It offers a means to verify the identities of students and educators, ensuring that the right individuals are participating in the educational process.

The ability to enable micropayments through Dijets is a game-changer for funding virtual schools in 3rd world countries. By creating a token-based payment system, small donations from students or donors worldwide can be collected without the need for costly payment processing systems or intermediaries.

The transparency provided by Dijets is invaluable for virtual schools. Public visibility and auditability of transactions foster a culture of accountability and trust.

Dijets offers immense potential for creating virtual schools in 3rd world countries. Its features, such as decentralisation, interoperability, digital identities, micropayments, and transparency, address critical challenges and open doors to educational opportunities for the underserved. By harnessing the power of Dijets, we can truly make a positive impact on global education, bridging the gap and empowering students in need.


Hi Ali,

I think this is a great idea and the benefits it would bring to people, as a member of the Dijets council I would like to issue this as a proposal.

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