Onboarding DGC Member Alisha Ramazannezhad as DIP Editor under DIP0m11-SP1


DIP0c11-SP#: 1
Author: M. Saleem Fareed
Contributors: n/a
Tags: core-personnel-onboarding, dips, dip0m11-sp1, dip-editor
Status: Formal Submission
Date Proposed: 2020-05-23
Date Ratified: n/a
Notes: Submitted under the Founder's Mandate Category
Core Personnel Role: DIP Editor
Proposed applicant: Alisha Ramazannezhad

Sentence Summary

DIP0m11-SP1 proposes to onboard Alisha Ramazannezhad as DIP Editor.

Application Form

  • Motivation

    • Dijets Improvement Proposals Framework requires a DIP Editor to enforce the administrative and editorial aspects of the DIPs process and framework. Acting as Dijets Interim Governance Arbiter (until the council appointee assumes said role), the Core Team is proposing DGC Member, Alisha Ramazannezhad to take on the DIP Editor role. As the DIP Editor, Alisha will enforce, support, manage and organise the DIPs for there progression towards the voting phase. For a complete breakdown of the DIP Editor’s role and responsibilities visit DIP0c9: DIP Editor Role.
    • Being a member of Dijets Council, Alisha is fully familiar with Dijets Ecosystem and its Governance Models, DIPs framework and how it operates.
    • Alisha’s main responsibility will be to actively work with the rest of the council members to help sheppard incoming DIPs and communicate with Governance Arbiter(s) on coordinating polls and mandate votes in conformance with Dijets monthly governance cycle.
    • It should be noted that the publication and ratification of DIPs Framework under the Founder’s Mandate requires the program to start out with a DIP Editor already in place. The expectation is that the council including Member Alisha can decide upon appointing further Editor(s) should there be a need for it, provided the framework was afforded time to mature.
  • Credentials

    • Work Experience
      • Current:
        • DGC Member - Dijets Governance Council
          • One of the six core members for Dijets Council.
          • Responsible for initiating, researching, architecting, advancing and formalising Dijets Governance processes and models.
          • Oversee policy directives of Dijets protocol standards and the direction of its codebase dependent upon the Ecosystem’s short & long term goals for growth, sustainability and innovation.
          • Assist governance model reviews and process test runs. Create retroactive reports for the Core Team, and relay information between the council, core team and devs.
  • Relevant Information


Thank you Saleem, i am happy to support this proposal for Alisha to be DIP editor.


I believe this will be a very good idea to have @DijetsAlisha as the DIP editor for Dijets.
Alisha is a very organised and focused person so she will be perfect for this - I am sure she will keep up to date with all the upcoming proposals.


Well done @DijetsAlisha, great choice and good luck :crossed_fingers:


I support @DijetsAlisha for the DIP editor role


@DijetsAlisha i fully support this proposal and look forward to working with you.


Thank you all, really appreciate the support. I will definitely put what some may call my ‘OCD’ skills to use here! Feels like we are making some huge leaps forward and I look forward to the journey.