Improving knowledge of DGC members with in Dijets, knowing there responsibilities, and earning rewards with HAL

To improve the Dijets Council Members, the Dijets Improvement Proposal (DIP) framework has been put in place. The DIP framework provides a standardized approach to improving Dijets governance across the ecosystem’s five main domains by the currently serving council. By standardizing the participation of the governance council to have a unified approach to proposing improvements, specifications, or process and state changes, the goal is to enable an open and fully transparent governance structure that rewards accountability and encourages positive contribution.

In order for DIPs to be comprehensively functional, they need to comply with a basic standard which clearly outlines their internal structure and external dependencies. This standard is described in DIP0, as the genesis proposal for Dijets Improvement Proposal Framework. The DIPs framework is designed to encourage positive contributions from the council members and the community at large, which will ultimately lead to the improvement of the Dijets ecosystem.

Furthermore, the Dijets Council Members are incentivized to participate in governance activities through the HAL rewards classes of governance actions that result in measurable changes to the way Dijets operates. This incentivization scheme is designed to encourage council members to actively participate in the governance process and to make decisions that are in the best interest of the Dijets ecosystem.

In addition to the DIP framework and the incentivization scheme, the Dijets Council Members can also improve by staying up to date on relevant DeFi/decentralized governance matters and their broader implications.
the council members can bring in new ideas and perspectives that can help improve the Dijets ecosystem.


Hi Ali,

Thank you for providing this information about the Dijets Council Members and the Dijets Improvement Proposal (DIP) framework. It seems that the DIP framework aims to standardise the process of proposing improvements, specifications, or changes within the Dijets ecosystem. It is good to the framework promote open and transparent governance while rewarding accountability and positive contributions.

It’s great to see that the DIPs framework is designed to encourage the participation of both council members and the wider community, ultimately leading to the improvement of the Dijets ecosystem as a whole.

By providing rewards for measurable changes in the way Dijets operates, this scheme fosters active participation and decision-making in the best interest of the ecosystem.