I propose this to be considered by the council and a decision be made between themselves wether this would benefit Dijets

DIP-11: Dijets Charity Organization

This proposal outlines the creation of a Dijets Charity Organization, which will be a decentralized, community-driven organization focused on promoting social impact and charitable initiatives. The organization will be funded by donations from the Dijets community and will be overseen by a board of directors elected by the community.

The Dijets Charity Organization will be focused on the following key areas:


The organization will raise funds from the Dijets community and other sources to support charitable initiatives. This will include accepting donations in Dijets and other cryptocurrencies, as well as traditional fiat currencies.


The organization will provide grants to individuals and organizations working on social impact and charitable initiatives. This will include funding for projects related to education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, and other key areas.

Community Building:

The organization will focus on building and engaging with a community of individuals and organizations working on social impact and charitable initiatives. This will include hosting events, workshops, and other activities to bring people together and share best practices.

Transparency and Accountability:

The organization will be committed to transparency and accountability in all of its operations. This will include regular reporting on its activities and finances, as well as a commitment to ethical and responsible practices.

The Dijets Charity Organization will be overseen by a board of directors elected by the community. The board will be responsible for setting the organization’s strategic direction, overseeing its operations, and ensuring that it remains aligned with the goals and values of the Dijets ecosystem.

The Dijets Charity Organization will provide an important source of funding and support for social impact and charitable initiatives. By leveraging the power of the Dijets community and blockchain technology, the organization will be able to provide a transparent, accountable, and community-driven approach to charitable giving.


Hi Ali

As you know, I have already voiced my thoughts on being a charitable partner and ensuring that everything we do, also gives back. I would absolutely support a Charity Organisation and spending the time in making sure that this is truly a side of Dijets that emphasises the importance of others is something I am more than happy to support.

I am also very glad to see the note about transparency and accountability within this which I think is crucial with any type of charitable organisation.

Thanks for putting this proposal together.


Thanks Alisha appreciate the feedback :+1:


Hi Ali,
Thank you for presenting this proposal for the creation of the Dijets Charity Organization. I fully support this initiative as it aligns with the values of community-driven efforts and social impact. By establishing a decentralized organization, we can harness the power and enthusiasm of the Dijets community to make a positive difference in key areas of need.

The fact that the organization will be funded by donations from the Dijets community is admirable. It demonstrates the commitment of community members towards making a meaningful impact and highlights the potential for sustainable growth and long-term viability. With the support of the community, the Dijets Charity Organization can actively engage in charitable initiatives, encouraging positive change while fostering a sense of unity among community members.

The proposal’s emphasis on having a board of directors elected by the community is a crucial aspect. This democratic approach ensures that the organization’s direction and decision-making reflect the collective interests and values of the Dijets community. By involving community members in the oversight process, the organization can maintain transparency, accountability, and a diversity of perspectives.

Furthermore, the focus areas outlined in the proposal demonstrate a comprehensive approach towards addressing social issues. It is commendable that the Dijets Charity Organization aims to make an impact in key areas of need. This commitment to social change and creating visible outcomes strengthens the proposal’s appeal and underscores the organization’s potential positive influence.

Overall, the creation of the Dijets Charity Organization offers an exciting opportunity for the community to leverage their resources, creativity, and collective effort towards promoting social impact and supporting charitable initiatives. By embracing a decentralized model and empowering the community through active participation, this organization has the potential to make a significant difference. I am confident that the Dijets community will rally behind this proposal and make it a successful venture that positively impacts the lives of many.


Thanks mate really appreciate the great feedback and to see we all have a similar vision, my hope would be to see this become an international organisation which would be also supporting the lesser fortunate third world countries, from things like disabilities, orphanages, blind, people with learning difficulties hearing issues I mean anything and anywhere we can it would be great to see Dijets as a worldwide known organisation at the similar level as some of the following charitable organisations in the world.

  • YMCA.
  • children in need.
  • Habitat for Humanity International. International Needs.
  • International Needs.
  • Boys & Girls Clubs of Youth.
  • Compassion International. International Needs.
  • Domestic Needs.
  • Samaritan’s Purse. Domestic Needs.
  • Nature Conservancy. Environment/Animal.

This is just a tip of the iceberg, there will be many more who can be helped through Dijets.


What w great proposal Ali,

I don’t think there is another crypto project that would consider charitable actions.

What a fantastic way to stand out from everyone else.

I fully support this proposal and am pleased to be part of Dijets organisation that has ethical views.

Dijets for the change :+1:


Thanks Pav much appreciated mate