Dijets stock, options, forex, dijetex, ramp

Dijets is a platform that provides the fundamentals upon which other platforms and blockchains can thrive and build on top. It allows anyone to create their own tailor-made & “Application Specific” blockchains. Each Blockchain in Dijets is an instance of a virtual machine just as the Utility Chain is an instance of Ethereum Virtual Machine. Custom VMs can be deployed on a custom blockchain network, called a subnetwork, which consists of a dynamic set of validators all working together to achieve consensus on (x)blockchains.

Dijets is an extremely lightweight & versatile protocol built to bridge the gap between developers, enterprises and blockchain technology. It offers an extremely lightweight and low-cost alternative to Ethereum. If you are a developer who wishes to keep everything running the same as Ethereum but cut the costs significantly lower and almost negligible levels with the added benefit of having transaction finality of less than one second than we invite you to try out Dijets for all its benefits it brings to developers who share our vision for an open, more secure and fairer Web 3.0.

Dijets also has its native exchange called Dijetex, which is used for converting a real-world asset into a ‘Dijetal Asset’. Stocks, Options, Forex, Derivatives & so on. Dijetex is the entry & exit ramp to Dijets Ecosystem. However, it is important to note that Dijets is a platform and not a financial institution, so it does not provide loans or financial services directly.