Dijets Global Expansion Program (Council)

This proposal outlines the creation of a Dijets Global Expansion Program, which will focus on expanding the reach and adoption of the Dijets ecosystem worldwide. The program will be overseen by the Dijets Council and will be funded by a portion of the Dijets treasury.

The Dijets Global Expansion Program will be focused on the following key areas:

Marketing and Awareness:

The program will focus on increasing awareness of the Dijets ecosystem and its benefits among potential users and partners worldwide. This will include targeted marketing campaigns, social media outreach, and community-building initiatives.

Strategic Partnerships:

The program will seek to build strategic partnerships with other entities that share Dijets’ vision and values. This will include partnerships with other blockchain projects, academic institutions, and industry associations.

Localization and Translation:

The program will focus on localizing and translating Dijets’ products and services to make them more accessible to users worldwide. This will include translation of Dijets website, whitepapers, and other key documents into multiple languages.

Community Building:

The program will focus on building and engaging with local Dijets communities worldwide. This will include hosting meetups, hackathons, and other events to foster collaboration and engagement within the Dijets community.

The Dijets Global Expansion Program will be overseen by a dedicated team of professionals with expertise in marketing, business development, and community building. The team will work closely with the Dijets Council to ensure that the program is aligned with the goals and values of the Dijets ecosystem.

The Dijets Global Expansion Program will provide an important source of funding and support for initiatives that contribute to the growth and development of the Dijets ecosystem worldwide. By expanding the reach and adoption of the Dijets ecosystem, the program will help to foster innovation, collaboration, and engagement within the Dijets community, and will help to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of the Dijets ecosystem.


Hi Ali,

Thanks for this proposal. This is a really good structure to some of the future plans of Dijets. I support the dedicated team of professionals. For example, with the marketing and awareness programme, finding the right skilled individual to lead on this and design the strategy and share with the Council will be crucial if the programmes are to be overseen by the DGC.

This proposal aids in the development of the structure and I support this move forward.


Hi Ali, thank you for sharing the proposal outlining the creation of the Dijets Global Expansion Program. I support this proposal as it demonstrates a strategic approach to expanding the reach and adoption of the Dijets ecosystem worldwide.

The proposed program addresses key areas such as marketing and awareness, strategic partnerships, localization and translation, as well as community building. These are crucial factors for the success and widespread adoption of any blockchain project. By focusing on increasing awareness through targeted marketing campaigns and social media outreach, the program will help attract more users to the Dijets ecosystem.

The emphasis on building strategic partnerships with other blockchain projects, academic institutions, and industry associations will provide opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and mutual growth. These partnerships can also contribute to the further development and innovation of the Dijets ecosystem.

Furthermore, localizing and translating Dijets’ products and services into multiple languages will ensure accessibility to users worldwide. This inclusivity and consideration for diverse communities will enable a broader range of individuals to engage with the ecosystem and contribute to its growth.

The emphasis on community building, by creating spaces for knowledge exchange and networking, this program will encourage innovation and the development of new ideas within the ecosystem.

Overall, the Dijets Global Expansion Program presents an exciting opportunity for growth and development within the Dijets community. By expanding the reach and adoption of the Dijets ecosystem, the program will facilitate innovation, collaboration, and engagement on a global scale.


Thanks for the feedback Alisha :+1:

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Absolutely Rbassi23 a great opportunity for growth and development with Dijets ecosystem, appreciate the in-depth feedback mate, Thanks :+1: