Dijets ecosystems benefits and operability compared to other blockchain network services

Dijets is a versatile and lightweight protocol that enables developers and enterprises to build on top of blockchain technology. It is an ecosystem of decentralized networks, DApps, and services that empowers its users by enabling use-cases for distributed ledger technology like never before. Dijets is built around the idea of enabling, and its goal is to bring the power of distributed systems to the masses in truly unique and useful ways.

One of the most defining features of Dijets is its interoperability. Unlike most other networks, where all applications reside in the same chain, Dijets network allows separate chains to be created for different applications, each to serve their individual purpose. This means that developers can create tailor-made and “Application Specific” blockchains that can be deployed on a custom blockchain network, called a subnetwork, which consists of a dynamic set of validators all working together to achieve consensus on (x)blockchains.

Dijets offers an extremely lightweight and low-cost alternative to Ethereum. If you are a developer who wishes to keep everything running the same as Ethereum but cut the costs significantly lower and almost negligible levels with the added benefit of having transaction finality of less than one second, then Dijets is the platform for you. Dijets allows anyone to create their own tailor-made & “Application Specific” blockchains. Each Blockchain in Dijets is an instance of a virtual machine just as the Utility Chain is an instance of Ethereum Virtual Machine. Custom VMs can be deployed on a custom blockchain network, called a subnetwork, which consists of a dynamic set of validators all working together to achieve consensus on (x)blockchains.

Dijets is green by design. It is far more energy-efficient than other blockchains due to its energy-efficient proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. This makes it an ideal platform for developers who are looking to build sustainable and eco-friendly applications.

Dijets is a platform that provides the fundamentals upon which other platforms and blockchains can thrive and build on top. It is a versatile and lightweight protocol that enables developers and enterprises to build on top of blockchain technology. With Dijets, developers can create new and innovative applications that were not possible before. For example, Dijets can be used to offer fractional ownership of real estate. Rather than a single person or a company owning a property, Dijets Utility Chain’s smart contracts can segment ownership so people can buy tokens of the property. When someone owns a token, they co-own a percentage of the property. This makes it easy for anyone to jump on the property market and make micro-investments.

Another major and disruptive use case of Dijets blockchain is in the Digital Identities domain. From reputational data to digital assets, anyone can store data and components on a smart contract to form a digital identity. When smart contracts are connected to various online services, the counterparties can learn about the individuals without revealing their identities. Smart contracts could contain credit scores that lenders can use to measure potential risks.

In conclusion, Dijets is a versatile and lightweight protocol that enables developers and enterprises to build on top of blockchain technology. With its interoperability, energy efficiency, and low-cost alternative to Ethereum, Dijets is an ideal platform for developers who are looking to build sustainable and eco-friendly applications. Dijets offers new and innovative use cases, such as fractional ownership of real estate and digital identities, that were not possible before.


Hi Ali,

Thanks for taking time to outline benefits of Dijets Ecosystem.

It is fascinating what has been created and I’m sure Dijets will get a mass adaption once live and people actually see for themselves what beast has been created.

With Ethereum fees going up most of the time, it is very expensive to transact on their network, Dijets fixes the problem and more. Once Dijetex is live and people transfer their investments from Ethereum based blockchains and will be over the moon with such saving on gas fees.

Really exciting times ahead and I cannot wait to see the project going from strength to strength.



Hi Pav,

Sure thing, and yes absolutely the lower fees, the sub second transaction finality, our own secure exchange, the benefits of Dijets ecosystem are endless, this is just a small bit of the “tip of the iceberg” so to speak, now you have mentioned this, I will put some more information up about Dijets “Dijetex” exchange shortly.

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